Friday, December 27, 2019

Why Are Things Are The Way They Are By Daniel Quinn

Daniel Quinn’s novel Ishmael discusses the aspiration the character Ishmael has toward teaching his student known as the narrator to â€Å"save the world†. Ishmael teaches the narrator to understand and form ideas, based on examining the question â€Å"why are things are the way they are†? Ishmael s teaching help the narrator and the reader explore culture and ourselves in a new light, helping the narrator and the reader understand the quote stating It should be noted that what is crucial to your survival as a race is not the redistribution of power and wealth within the prison but rather the destruction of the prison itself.(255). In order to interpret the quote the narrator and ourselves first had to understand â€Å"why things are the way they are†. To begin, Ishmael presents the narrator with two groups, takers and leavers. Takers are people who are â€Å"civilized†, and have adapted to the agricultural lifestyle developed by other takers in an earlier time, whereas leavers, all other cultures who are identified as â€Å"primitive†, live under the hands of the gods. Ishmael explains how both groups have their own story, forming a relation with the gods and man, and they enact to make the story true. By enacting together they make up a culture, the taker culture and the leaver culture. Ishmael explains how a persuasive story is successful. Mother culture has presented the taker culture with a persuasive story, which has the ability to make the taker culture believe it and follow it withoutShow MoreRelatedEssay Totalitarian Agriculture1003 Words   |  5 Pagesin what is now ancient Mesopotamia, and agricultural revolution was started bringing the practice of Totalitarian Agriculture. The human population started to grow at an exponential rate. This is the beginning of our culture, 10,000 years ago. 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Humans have been destroying themselves for years, and the only way to survive is to be connected one with nature. Individualism, in the eyes

Thursday, December 19, 2019

College Decisions On or Off Campus - 1361 Words

Upcoming college freshman face a multitude of different and challenging decisions during their senior year of high school including deciding whether to live on campus or off campus. Each choice presents its own positives and negatives. The choice does not come easy because every student will have his or her own opinion of what is important. Both living on campus or off campus have their advantages and disadvantages but on campus living can be more beneficial in the end. In order to make the correct choice of living on or off campus all factors must be considered including costs and personal preferences. Primarily the cost of tuition must first be considered then housing must be added into the total cost. According to the average tuition for a public four-year in state university for the 2013-2014 year was 8,993 while the average housing cost was 9,498 which totals 18,391 for both. It is important that the student research not only the total cost of their decision but additional fees such as books and other personal expenses such as commuting. Books average 1,200 per semester ( Scholarships must also be accounted for so that a student may choose a higher priced university but can afford it with their scholarships and grants. â€Å"Scholarships and grants are often called â€Å"gift aid† because they are free money- financial aid that doesn’t have to be repaid† ( Options must be weighed equally to determine whichShow MoreRelatedLiving on Campus vs Living Off Campus1150 Words   |  5 PagesCom/170 April 22, 2013 Living on Campus versus living off Campus A college experience can be the greatest time in a student’s life for the reason being, it is a new path the individual is taking to pursue his or her future career. While pursuing a career, every student has his or her own personal preference of whether or not to live on campus. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Developing Entrepreneur Skills Corporate Work - MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Developing Entrepreneur Skills Corporate Work. Answer: Introduction: Entrepreneurship is the art of commencing a business. It comprises the process of originating, blueprinting and managing the business operations of a small start-up firm and thereby transforming it into a thriving and flourishing organization with years of diligence, hard dedication and professionalism. The persons who are responsible for managing an organization are termed as entrepreneurs or businesspersons. This journal essay outlines the fact to attempt a summarized portion and a reflective portion along with a Gibbs reflective model on the topics of entrepreneurial mindset, entrepreneurial ecology and entrepreneurial pathways. An entrepreneur is a person who commences a business operation. The mindset of an entrepreneur is a very engaging subject to study. It is the mindset, which makes an entrepreneur successful in his or her business. Successful entrepreneurs have certain characteristics, which separates them from the common lot. Those characteristics are Innovation, determination, versatility, risk forbearance, commitment, intuition, resoluteness and adaptability (Navale 2013). Entrepreneur must also have the proper psychology to make the business successful. Usually, the most successful entrepreneurs are regarded to be non- specialists by nature. They are also reported to be obstinate and sedulous by nature because in order to be a top performer, entrepreneurs must not follow the herd; they should rather be the black sheep of the herd. Amidst all the highs of entrepreneurship, there is also not so pleasant part of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs do not have a proper work-life balance. Some of them, not all, are constantly chasing financial gains. This further takes a great toll on their physical and mental health as they gradually develop the feelings of narcissism, cynicism and cupidity. Entrepreneurs also suffer from occasional bouts of stress and mental pressure. Entrepreneurship is synonymous with risk forbearance (Baum, Frese and Baron 2014). There are various types of risks taken by an entrepreneur such as forgoing of a fixed paycheck, leaning on cash income, working against a crucial time limit and many others. Employees are bound to take some amount of risks to fight against the losses (Knight 2012.). Entrepreneurs require a very stimulating ego to excel in business. Entrepreneurs must show ample resolve and trust in his/her own abilities to execute them in the business operation. Moreover, entrepreneurs must be effective leaders in their art, since an important part of the entrepreneurs job is to lead others in the business plan. As a result, positive ego is directly ass ociated with the career progress of an entrepreneur. Personally, if I need to assess my entrepreneurship mindset, then I can say that I possess moderate entrepreneurial mindset qualities. I am quite proficient in the qualities of innovation, determination and intuition. However, I will falter in the qualities of versatility and risk forbearance. I do not have much tolerance of risks. I tend to get nervous at times. Versatility is an area, which requires an individual to perform marvelously in all fields (Hsieh 2012). I am not at all versatile. I am a specialist rather than a generalist. Entrepreneurs are believed to be the leaders rather than the followers. Similarly, I do not appreciate blindly adopting other peoples ideas and concepts. I have a notion that I should always contemplate an innovative solution to a complex plan to upgrade my performance, even if it involves risking unappreciative conduct from the crowd (Yitshaki 2012). If I talk about the concept of entrepreneurial stress, than I can say that I have the ability to combat excessive stress. At pressurizing times, I do not let the impact of stress hamper my work performance. Research entrepreneurship is a field of entrepreneurship, which has attracted my attention for a long time because I have the innate ability to learn about new cultures, religions or countries. Interesting information about any new topic never bores me. Usually, entrepreneurs who specialize in research are very keen to learn from the experiences of others. Research entrepreneurs adore to research about a varied segment of topics (Brett et al. 2012). The quest of learning in them, fuels the desire, to gather more vital information about a business plan. After this, when they apply the acquired knowledge smartly and orderly in their business strategy, it guarantees success. This is because effective knowledge about the current market position, target consumers and the market shares of the rivals constitute the recipe for brilliance in entrepreneurship. First step: Description- I have to assess my entrepreneurial mindset. I have to measure my proficiency in becoming a successful entrepreneur. Second step: Feelings- I thought and felt that I possess moderate entrepreneurship skills. The skills, which I process, would not take me far high in my entrepreneurial career. However they would provide me with a sufficient paycheck to survive. Third step: Evaluation- I believe that I am quite expert in the entrepreneurial skills of innovation, determination and intuition. Additionally, I also believe that I lack in the skills of versatility and risk forbearance. Fourth step: Analysis- After the steps of feelings and evaluation, I have learned that I am best suited to venture into a research entrepreneurship, where I can utilize my hobby of voracious reading and apply the outcomes to my professional arena. Fifth step: Conclusion- From all the information I have learned that in order to become a brilliant entrepreneur personality, one does not have to possess all the skills. Rather one can amplify his strengths to shadow his weaknesses, and construct a career path accordingly. Sixth step: Action- I plan to enter into a research entrepreneurship business in future by modifying my skills of stress control, risk toleration and I would try to inculcate my generalist skills. Entrepreneurial Ecology Entrepreneurial ecology is the new trend in the corporate global scenario. At present, the environment and the society in which we dwell has become severely distorted by rapid climatic changes, global warming, over-pollution and harmful depletion of the natural resources. The inhabitants of the earth must conserve the environment of the earth in its natural ecological state because the sustainability of the ecology of the earth is very important for the future human population to survive. In this context, some entrepreneurs all around the world have come forward as responsible corporate citizens to construct their business strategy in the most ecological and bionomical way (Egerton 2012). The notion of ecology in entrepreneurship suggests that entrepreneurs must only do business for earning profits, but also for returning something valuable back to the environment. The agenda of an ecological entrepreneur must be to earn revenue as well as to improve the deplorable condition of the p resent environment. Entrepreneurial ecology involves making key business decisions as such that they assist to uphold the integrity and soundness of the environment. Entrepreneurship ecology helps the entrepreneurs to understand that their business actions have direct effect upon the state of the environment. whether it is positive or negative (Gawel 2012). Therefore, they must shape their corporate decisions in accordance to the sensitivity of the environment. In fact, at present, no business entity can afford to ignore the threatening social and the atmospheric affairs that has become a number one concern for the environmentalists. Ecological entrepreneurship is recognized to be an award-based application rather than an extortionate drive (Bonnet, Desjardin and Guijarro 2012). Therefore, it is believed that ecological entrepreneurship can help to make the earth a more fulfilling place to survive in the long end. Resultantly, many entrepreneurial start-ups around the world have sta rted to embrace the concept of ecological entrepreneurship in their corporate portfolio. Sustainability is now increasingly being practiced in entrepreneurship. According to me, I think that the practice of sustainability in entrepreneurship ensures that entrepreneurs and the business entities must involve environmental, ecological and social issues in their business approach at the time of founding fresh organizations or inculcating them in the already existent organizations. I also think that the practice of sustainability in entrepreneurship also deals with organizing various scientific experiments to take a note about the turbulent ecological effects on the human society and the atmosphere (Dean 2014). In addition to this, sustainable entrepreneurs in the recent times have also been trying to contribute to the minimization of the rising equalities in the society, because severe social discrepancy leads to extreme devastating effects on the global corporate world and the consumer society. I also feel that sustainability in entrepreneurship also takes note of the fact that the entrepreneurs are now realizing that consumers all around the world are becoming more knowledgeable about the various ecological alterations and their threatening affects. The changes in our ecology help to create more market beneficial opportunities for the sustainability-minded entrepreneurs. It also helps the entrepreneurs to earn huge revenue by launching products that consume low energy and are low polluting by nature. Since, sustainable or ecologically green products, are the new hype in the modern consumerist world, therefore customers would flock to the market in huge numbers to buy low energy consuming products (Weingaertner and Moberg 2014). This would ultimately give an opportunity to the entrepreneurs to increase their market dominance. Moreover, entrepreneurs, when they start to practice sustainability, their business profile starts to earn good publicity points from the media, customers, government and finally from the whole business world. Therefore, I think that at present, sustainability is the most sublime corporate opportunity for the entrepreneurs all around the world. First Step: Description- I have to reflect on the fact that whether the practice of sustainability in entrepreneurship is an opportunity or a threat. Second step: Feelings- I thought and I felt that every global entrepreneur applies sustainability in their portfolio as it helps to address environmental issues and helps to secure costly revenues. Third step: Evaluation- If I have to evaluate the concept of entrepreneurial sustainability, then I can say it holds the good effects of making the world ecologically green and pollution-free. In terms of bad effects, it does have any as such. Fourth step: Analysis- After the steps of Feelings and Evaluation, I have deciphered the fact that the concept of sustainability is the new instrument of thought of the environmentally conscious global entrepreneurs and this new faade is here to stay for the coming years due to the rapid deterioration of the environmental cycle. Fifth step: Conclusion- I have learnt that sustainability is a very attractive concept, to be, adopted in entrepreneurship as it helps a firm to earn good points as a responsible and reliable corporate citizen. Sixth step: Action- For the future, I have decided that if I venture into entrepreneurship, then I will apply the philosophy of sustainability in my business and make it ecologically sound. Walking Entrepreneurial Pathways There are many major entrepreneurial pathways for the interesting and dynamic new age entrepreneurs to venture. Profit producing or upscale entrepreneurships help to raise the lifestyle of the people by generating more job outlets and wealth producing sources in the country. Generally, entrepreneurial pathways can be divided into magnitude (microenterprise, mid size enterprises) and expansion (rapid growth enterprises or slow growth enterprises) Breugst et al. 2012). In the entrepreneurial world, the concepts of bootstrapping and minipreneurship have started to be widely recognized as the most swiftest lane to acquire entrepreneurial experience. This is because bootstrapping and minipreneurship deals with the fact to achieve more by putting less efforts. Many eminent companies around the world such as the Dominos Pizza and the Gallops have become successful by the initiative of the bootstrapping minded entrepreneurs (Salamzadeh and Kawamorita Kesim 2015). Micropreneurship is a very i nnovative entrepreneurial concept where the consumers themselves do the job of manufacturing good quality products and services instead of just purchasing them. Micropreneurship helps in organizing the many cumbersome activities of an organization within much less time and endeavor. Therefore, it simplifies the job of the entrepreneur. Franchising is a business practice where the franchiser who is also the owner of a store or a product attains the allocation powers of the same by the help of the franchisees. The art of franchising has many merits and demerits, such as, franchising do not require any beforehand experience or warming up sessions with the suppliers. Franchising is very suitable for small organizations to carve out a niche in the big competitive world as it makes the acquisition of capital much easy and helps to reduce the chances of business uncertainties (Nijmeijer, Fabbricotti and Huijsman 2014). On the other hand, franchising business can be costly and can suffer fr om rigidness. It is comparatively difficult to introduce new concepts and principles in a franchising business than the other entrepreneurial ventures. Personally, I am very fond of the practice of bootstrapping. Bootstrapping is a new concept in entrepreneurship. Though bootstrapping may not be eye catching and alluring all the time, but it would definitely make me a superior entrepreneur with a lively organization. There are many supporting reasons for my preference of adopting the bootstrapping style in my hopeful entrepreneurial venture. They are freedom in inventing and incorporating novel concepts in the introductory business projects, the opportunity to deliver surpassing quality products and services (Molina-Azorn et al. 2012). In addition to this, bootstrapping would enable me to enjoy the ability to earn the highest share of revenue because I will only be the sole shareholder of my organization and finally bootstrapping would enable me to implement clever business decisions in my organization, which will make my organization prosper. In the 21st century, an entrepreneur needs to have the skills of quick wit, smart thinking , long vision, risk forbearance and social networking in order to survive and flourish in the competitive global market. The concept of bootstrapping would help me to acquire all of the above skills in my business venture. Since I do not have much experience in the art of entrepreneurship, I think bootstrapping would be the most safest entrepreneurial venture option (Kotler and Kotler 2012). As a person, I like to take my own business decisions. Therefore, when I would venture into entrepreneurship, bootstrapping will be favorable for me since the bootstrapping entrepreneur can have the discretion to decide the decorum and the organizational structure of his or her organization. The magnificent success of many companies around the world such as the Dell Computers, Facebook Inc., Apple Inc. and the Hewlett-Packard can be attributed to the merits and advisability of the bootstrapping art (Eva 2015). This has further instilled in me the confidence and the drive to follow the bootstrapp ing style of entrepreneurship pathway. First step: Description- I have to decide an entrepreneurial pathway by which I would venture into entrepreneurship. Second step: Feelings- I thought and I felt that the art of Bootstrapping would be a perfect entrepreneurial pathway for me. Bootstrapping is the cause behind the appreciable success of companies like Apple and Facebook. Third step: Evaluation- If I have to evaluate the concept of Bootstrapping, then I can say bootstrapping helps entrepreneurs to enjoy the opportunities of absolute freedom in deciding the decorum, organizational structure and the design of products and services. In terms of demerits, then I can say that bootstrapping might induce the entrepreneurs to make hasty decisions by falling prey to money-grubbing. Fourth step: Analysis- After the steps of Feelings and Evaluation, I have comprehended the fact that Bootstrapping is the most promising entrepreneurial pathway for novice entrepreneurs as it helps to provide them good introductory business lessons, which might prove highly beneficial in the long run. Fifth step: Conclusion- I have learnt that bootstrapping helps an entrepreneur to acquire all the skills of quick wit, smart thinking, long vision, risk forbearance and social networking in order to survive and flourish in the competitive global market. Sixth step: Action- For the future, I have decided to follow the bootstrapping pathway for entrepreneurship because it would help me to acquire all of the corporate skills in my business venture, as I do not have much experience in the art of entrepreneurship. In the conclusion, it can be said that the concepts of entrepreneurial mindset, entrepreneurial ecology and entrepreneurial pathways are inter-related and interconnected with each other as all of them are seemingly connected with the art of entrepreneurship. An entrepreneur in the 21st century must have his business mindset linked with the concept of ecology and sustainability among many other things as well as exercise them in the entrepreneurial pathways. In the completion of this reflective entrepreneurial essay, I have come to know about my entrepreneurial strengths and weaknesses. The Gibbs model of reflection has also sufficiently aided me to ponder roundly about all the stages of the journal entries. Keeping in mind of my business inclinations, I have come to realize that I am suited for the research entrepreneurship style combined with a bootstrapping entrepreneurial venture involving environmentally sustainable practices. References Baum, J.R., Frese, M. and Baron, R.A. eds., 2014.The psychology of entrepreneurship. Psychology Press. Bonnet, J., Desjardin, M. and Guijarro, A.M. eds., 2012.The shift to the entrepreneurial society: a built economy in education, sustainability and regulation. Edward Elgar Publishing. Brett, V., Mullally, M., O'Gorman, B. and Fuller-Love, N., 2012. The role of action research in the development of learning networks for entrepreneurs.Action Learning: Research and Practice,9(2), pp.125-143. Breugst, N., Domurath, A., Patzelt, H. and Klaukien, A., 2012. Perceptions of entrepreneurial passion and employees' commitment to entrepreneurial ventures.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,36(1), pp.171-192. Dean, T.J., 2014. Sustainability and Entrepreneurship.Wiley Encyclopedia of Management. Egerton, F.N., 2012.Roots of ecology: antiquity to Haeckel. Univ of California Press. va, T.M., 2015. Bootstrap Financing: Case Studies of Ten Technology-Based Innovative Ventures, Tales From The Best. Gawel, A., 2012. Entrepreneurship and sustainability: do they have anything in common?.The Poznan University of Economics Review,12(1), p.5. Hsieh, C., 2012, January. Risk, balanced skills and entrepreneurship. In Academy of Management Proceedings(Vol. 2012, No. 1, pp. 1-1). Academy of Management. Knight, F.H., 2012.Risk, uncertainty and profit. Courier Corporation. Kotler, P. and Kotler, M., 2012.Market your way to growth: 8 ways to win. John Wiley Sons. Molina-Azorn, J.F., Lpez-Gamero, M.D., Pereira-Moliner, J. and Pertusa-Ortega, E.M., 2012. Mixed methods studies in entrepreneurship research: Applications and contributions.Entrepreneurship Regional Development,24(5-6), pp.425-456. Navale, A.B., 2013. Developing entrepreneur skills for corporate work.Research Directions,1(4). Nijmeijer, K.J., Fabbricotti, I.N. and Huijsman, R., 2014. Making franchising work: A framework based on a systematic review.International Journal of Management Reviews,16(1), pp.62-83. Salamzadeh, A. and Kawamorita Kesim, H., 2015. Startup Companies: Life Cycle and Challenges. Weingaertner, C. and Moberg, ., 2014. Exploring social sustainability: learning from perspectives on urban development and companies and products.Sustainable Development,22(2), pp.122-133. Yitshaki, R., 2012. How do entrepreneurs emotional intelligence and transformational leadership orientation impact new ventures growth?.Journal of Small Business Entrepreneurship,25(3), pp.357-374.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Questions to Help with Brainstorming a Topic

Use the following list as a springboard as you develop your own connections. You can browse the questions below without a specific structure in mind and see what results from that free-association process. On the other hand, some people prefer to have more guidance as they brainstorm, and for those people we have ordered and grouped the questions into a logical structure.Each subtopic begins with a series of questions and then an explanation of their potential relevance to the big picture.PersonalGive an example of a time when you exhibited creativity in a personal or professional setting. Describe your thoughts and actions.Think of a time when you truly helped someone. What did you do? How did this impact the other person? How did your actions impact you?Give an example of a difficult interaction you had with someone. Describe the situation, what was difficult about it, and how you resolved it.Provide a candid assessment of your strengths and weaknesses.If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, whom would you choose and why?What famous person do you esteem highest and why? This could be a remarkable statesman, scientist, businessperson, or anyone else.What person that you know personally do you admire the most? What person in your life has most inspired you?What value do you place on diversity and why?What creative work has influenced you the most (a piece of music, a painting, a film, etc.)? How? Why?If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? What bad habits or personal faults are you currently working on?Think of a failure or a time when you disappointed yourself, whether personally, academically, or professionally. What did you learn from this experience? How did it change you? What did you do to correct this problem?Give an example of a time when you had an impact on a person, group, or organization. Describe the situation, your actions, and the results.How do your friends describe you? How would you describe yo urself?What values are most important to you?Do you have strong religious convictions that have influenced your academics or outside activities?Think of an occasion when someone gave you negative feedback. How did you respond, both initially and in the long term? How did this experience change you? Were you able to improve yourself as a result?Come up with unique combinations of your skills and characteristics, and consider how these have applied in past experiences or will apply to your future-both in college and afterward. Do not simply name skills for which you know the schools are looking, because that will detract from the unique portrait you are trying to paint. This exercise will help you to see yourself from different perspectives and recognize all that you have to offer.FamilyWhat is your most valued childhood memory?Have you been responsible for caring for family members? For an ailing parent, a sibling, a disabled or aging relative, or a child? How has this impacted your academics? Your goals and values?If different from your current place of residence, does your home country or place of birth have special meaning for you? Do you visit it often?What do your parents/other family members do for a living? How have they influenced/inspired you? How has your familys economic status impacted your education and childhood?Have you suffered any serious hardships that impacted your academic or professional performance?If you live in the U.S. but are not a native-born American: How did you deal with the challenges of moving to the U.S. from your home? Did you experience culture shock? How did you adapt? What was most difficult for you? What aspects of your new home did you enjoy the most?Although these questions may seem routine, your answers can give admissions officers more information than meets the eye. They can learn something about your life at home: whether both your parents work; if you grew up in a blue collar or a white collar environment; or if your parents (or brothers and sisters) are alumni of the school.You need to think about how your family has helped to shape you into the person you are today. Thinking about your parents and their character traits can help you identify some of your values and where they came from. You might realize, for example, that your interest in social work originates from your mothers concern for the welfare of others. Do not worry if your experiences do not seem earthshaking. Often, everyday living can be most influential—and most interesting—to an admissions officer.ActivitiesHow did you spend the majority of your time over the past year?To what non-academic activity did you give the most time over the past year? Or past several years?What has been your most significant service activity? Your most memorable one-time volunteer opportunity? Your longest regular volunteerism commitment?What has been your most significant cross-cultural experience? Why? How did it change your perspecti ve?What has been your most significant international experience?Can you identify trends in your commitments? What do they say about your values and abilities?Did you work during high school? If so, where did you work? How many hours per week? What were your responsibilities and duties? What did you learn?Do not feel obligated to bring up every activity you have ever done, especially if it has been sufficiently covered elsewhere in the application. Remember that depth is more important than breadth. Admissions officers want to gain insight into what you care most about, and to see how you have devoted yourself.As you think about why you joined an activity and chose to continue with it, look for trends or similarities. Sometimes there are links between different types of activities. For example, you may have joined the band and the soccer team because you like to contribute to a group effort. One way to determine your priorities is to imagine that you have time for only two or three a ctivities. The ones that you would want to continue doing under these circumstances are probably the most significant to you. In analyzing which activities are the most valuable to you and why, you may come up with an interesting idea for an essay.AccomplishmentsWhat achievement are you most proud of? Why?What significant challenges have you overcome?Describe accomplishments for which you have been formally recognized. What qualities did you demonstrate in your path to success? What does each accomplishment mean to you personally?Describe accomplishments for which you have not been formally recognized but that you are particularly proud of. Take even more time to reflect on why these have special meaning for you.Discuss an accomplishment in which you exercised leadership. How effective were you in motivating or guiding others? How did people respond to your leadership? What did you learn that you can apply to future experiences?Think of a time when you truly helped someone. What did you do? How did this impact the other person? How did your actions impact you?Give an example of when you exhibited creativity. Describe your thoughts and actions.Reflect on a time in which you failed to accomplish what you set out to do. How did you recover from that failure? How did you respond to your next challenge?What was an important risk that you took? Why did you take this risk? What was the outcome? Would you do it again?The important point here is that you develop insight into your accomplishments beyond their face value. Your essay should not merely list your most significant successes, nor is it enough to say that you are proud of them. You need to dig deeper to discover what these accomplishments mean to you, what they say about you, and how you learned from them. Also, reflect closely on your path to achievement rather than the result itself.GoalsWhat are your career aspirations, and how will college help you to reach them?What specifically do you hope to gain from t he college to which you are applying?What unique skills and experiences do you have to offer the school, your fellow students, the faculty, the broader community?Why do you think you will succeed in college?What is your dream job? What would you ideally like to be doing in five years? In ten years? In twenty years?Are there specific faculty members at this college whose work interests you? With whom would you most like to study or conduct research?What attracts you to this particular school?How did you become interested in your intended field of study?Name a current obstacle to the realization of your goals. What causes this problem? What are you doing to change it?The questions concerning your academic experiences, special programs, and extracurricular or work activities may have triggered some thoughts about your future. While colleges are interested in your academic and career plans, they do not expect you to know exactly what you want to do or stick with this course of action fo rever. If you cannot put down a specific interest, you can narrow the field down to a few. In this way, you can show the admissions committee that you have a sense of where you are going without committing yourself to a particular destination.When you respond to questions about your career or major on your application, be sure your answers are compatible with your abilities. Do not, for example, say that you want to write the great American novel if your grades in English are mediocre or poor.Next:Â  Topic Selection

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Animal Farm By George Orwell Essays (1518 words) - Marxist Theorists

Animal Farm by George Orwell Characters, items, and events found in George Orwells book, Animal Farm, can be compared to similar characters, items, and events found in Marxism and the 1917 Russian Revolution. This comparison will be shown by using the symbolism that is in the book with similarities found in the Russian Revolution. Old Major was a prized-boar that belonged to Farmer Jones. The fact that Old Major is himself a boar was to signify that radical change and revolution are, themselves, boring in the eyes of the proletariat (represented by the other barnyard animals), who are more prone to worrying about work and survival in their everyday life. Old Major gave many speeches to the farm animals about hope and the future. He is the main animal who got the rebellion started even though he died before it actually began. Old Major's role compares to Lenin and Marx whose ideas were to lead to the communist revolution. Animal Farm is a criticism of Karl Marx, as well as a novel perpetuating his convictions of democratic Socialism. (Zwerdling, 20). Lenin became leader and teacher of the working class in Russia, and their determination to struggle against capitalism. Like Old Major, Lenin and Marx wrote essays and gave speeches to the working class poor. The working class in Russia, as compared with the barnyard animals in Animal Farm, were a laboring class of people that received low wages for their work. Like the animals in the farm yard, the people is Russia thought there would be no oppression in a new society because the working class people (or animals) would own all the riches and hold all the power. (Golubeva and Gellerstein 168). Another character represented in the book is Farmer Jones. He represents the symbol of the Czar Nicholas in Russia who treated his people like Farmer Jones treated his animals. The animal rebellion on the farm was started because Farmer Jones was a drunk who never took care of the animals and who came home one night, left the gate open and the animals reb elled. Czar Nicholas was a very weak man who treated his people similar to how Farmer Jones treated his animals. The Czar made his working class people very mad with the way he wielded his authority and preached all the time, and the people suffered and finally demanded reform by rebelling. The Czar said ?The law will henceforward be respected and obeyed not only by the nation but also the authority that rules it - and that the law would stand above the changing views of the individual instruments of the supreme power.? (Pares 420). The animal Napoleon can be compared as a character representing Stalin in Russia. Both were very mean looking, didn't talk very much but always got what they wanted through force. In one part of the book Napoleon charged the dogs on Snowball, another animal. Stalin became the Soviet Leader after the death of Lenin. He was underestimated by his opponents who always became his victims, and he had one of the most ruthless, regimes in history. In was not till very many years later that the world found out about the many deaths that Stalin created in Russia during the Revolution. For almost 50 years the world thought that the Nazis had done the killing in Russia, when in fact it was Stalin. (Imse 2). The last characters that are symbolic of each other are the animal Snowball with the Russian leader Trotsky. Snowball was very enthusiastic and was a leader who organized the defense of the farm. He gave speeches and instructions but was not very beneficial. All the other animals liked him, b ut he was outsmarted by Napoleon. Trotsky and Stalin's relationship was very much like Snowball's and Napoleons. Trotsky organized the Red Army and gave speeches and everyone in Russia thought he would win power over Stalin. After Lenin's death Trotsky lost all his power to Stalin and was expelled from the communist party. He was at one time considered the second most powerful man in Russia. (Trotsky? Comptons 290). Besides characters there are many items that can be compared as symbols in the book and in Russia.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

effect of enzyme concentraitio essays

effect of enzyme concentraitio essays The Effect of Substrate Concentration on the Rate of Enzyme Catalase An experiment was carried out to discover if there was a relation between Hydrogen Peroxide and the enzyme Catalase. The experiment was set up as said in the method and carried out as accurately as possible. During the reaction the Hydrogen Peroxide was broken down to water and Oxygen. (H2O2 >H2O + O2). It was broken down by the enzyme catalase. A catalyst (enzyme) lower the activation energy required for the reaction to occur. Investigate how the varying concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide affects the rate of reaction. The independent variable will be the Hydrogen peroxide and the dependent variable will be the volume of gas that will be measured. Set up the equipment as it was shown in the diagram. Use the 100% Hydrogen Peroxide and to produce different concentrations of H2O2. Make up a volume of these concentrations so that the experiment can be repeated at lease twice. The concentrations are 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. 0% = 0cm3 of H2O2 and 10cm3 of H2O 25% = 2.5cm3 of H2O2 and 7.5cm3 of H20 50% = 5cm3 of H2O2 and 5cm3 of H20 75% = 7.5cm3 of H2O2 and 2.5cm3 of H20 100% = 10cm3 of H2O2 and 0cm3 of H20 For each experiment react 1 Cm3 of Catalase with 10 cm3 of the H2O2 of different concentrations. Make sure that the measuring cylinder is completely filled with water before you begin the test. Record the volume of oxygen produced in 2 minutes. Put in a table. Calculate and convert to rate of reaction During the experiment there were no extremely dangerous chemicals used involved. But you should always make sure that the area you are working in is clear of any objects and bags. Also take care when handling glass equipment as they break easily and could harm you. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Proposal - Essay Example s showed correlations between violent video games and aggression (Gentile), poor social skills (Kutner and Olson), racism (Anderson, Buckley, and Gentile 8), and poor academic achievement (Bryant). Although the causative nature of violent video games is not yet widely accepted, several studies depict that the more time children spend in playing these games with crude language, the more verbally and physically aggressive they become (Anderson, Buckley, and Gentile; Fink). Bad language in violent media is a critical factor, because it can arouse negative thoughts and images, which can drive aggression (Fink). There could be a connection between listening to and speaking crude language, even if it is just â€Å"fantasy† or make-believe play for these games, and actually feeling and being more aggressive against others. These relationships between playing violent media and poor social and academic skills are not surprising, since the military has used violent video games to desensitize and to train soldiers to kill (Gentile). If the military can use violent media to prepare these soldiers for combat, it is not impossible for the same conditioning to happen for young children, whose moral, intellectual, and psychological stages are not prepared to understand the difference between â€Å"playing† and real-life aggression and violence. This is a proposal for a paper determining the impacts of violent video games on the youth, especially those kinds which contain profane language. Profane language pertains to cursing and treating other people verbally with disrespect. The topic of this proposal is violent video games with crude language. These are games that some adults normally play for fun and recreation. These games are also commonly made for adult audiences. They are not supposed to be played by adolescents, especially by younger children. In reality, however, children and teenagers have easy access to these games. Their parents may not be aware of the ratings on these